Sunday 4 November 2012

Pink and Purple Glittery Eyes!

I loveee a bit of glitz and glam, any excuse to use a bit of glitter in my makeup looks!!

First of all I applied a really shimmery base colour all over my eyelid up to the eyebrows and down on the lower inner corner of the eye.
I then used a bright pink eyeshadow from my ELF pallette and applied that to the majority of the lid except for the very inner corner and also brought it up to just above my crease. Then I took a dark glittery purple (one from bourjois not sure what the name of it is, very nice though :D) and applied that on the outter corners. Blend blend blend repeat the above steps until the eyeshadows are all nicely blended.

THEN comes the fun part, I used a pink shimmer dust from Barry M and applied it all over my eyes, even up to the eyebrows (did not photo well :( ).

Then apply winged eyeliner, as thick or as bold as you like, mine is very subtle as a friend is coming over hehe. Then I used a pink lipstick from Chanel Rouge Allure, its 04 I think its called Imagination (beautiful colour, my fav pink lipstick at the moment!)
Let me know what you think xx

Brown Smokey Eye with Bold Lips

Its a rainy day and Im not feeling too flash, so what better to do than update my blog!
I decided to try and do a basic brown smokey eye but then jazzed it up with a bold orange lipstick:

I started off by using a shimmery base colour all over my lid up to my eyebrows, going into the inner corner of my eyes and on the inner corner of the water line.
I then used Mulch by Mac and evenly coated the outer three quarters of my eyelid, going up slightly above my crease.
I then used black from my Sleek palette to define the outer corners and go through my crease.
Then you must MUST blend until all colours smoothly blend into one another. I generally have to blend, repeat all the above steps and blend again until the colours are dense enough.
I then used my Loreal black liquid liner to line under my lower lashes and create a flick on the top lashline. Avoid the inner corners of your eyes to make them appear bigger and more awake!

Then I applied Morange lipstick by MAC which is an orangey-red lipstick (LOVE!)
Let me know what you think xx