Sunday 4 November 2012

Brown Smokey Eye with Bold Lips

Its a rainy day and Im not feeling too flash, so what better to do than update my blog!
I decided to try and do a basic brown smokey eye but then jazzed it up with a bold orange lipstick:

I started off by using a shimmery base colour all over my lid up to my eyebrows, going into the inner corner of my eyes and on the inner corner of the water line.
I then used Mulch by Mac and evenly coated the outer three quarters of my eyelid, going up slightly above my crease.
I then used black from my Sleek palette to define the outer corners and go through my crease.
Then you must MUST blend until all colours smoothly blend into one another. I generally have to blend, repeat all the above steps and blend again until the colours are dense enough.
I then used my Loreal black liquid liner to line under my lower lashes and create a flick on the top lashline. Avoid the inner corners of your eyes to make them appear bigger and more awake!

Then I applied Morange lipstick by MAC which is an orangey-red lipstick (LOVE!)
Let me know what you think xx

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